a few weeks ago, i was lucky enough to come across this blog entry by sandy coughin. she wrote about the risks we take when we open our homes to other people. as i read it, i found myself nodding in agreement and even pausing to reflect on her words. i thought about it for quite a bit afterwards. fast forward to this week...
i am on the christmas party planning committee for our home school co-op. as the holidays are fast approaching, we started to plan a meeting time/place to get things started. i found myself thinking, again, about the article sandy had written. should i offer up our home as the meeting place? i went rounds with myself. the pros and cons list in my head was forming. i was talking myself into and out of the offer. after much (probably too much) thought, i decided to take the risk. i invited 6 other moms and their children (roughly 15!) to my home to meet.
much like sandy, i worry about the little things.
what would they like to eat/drink? what i serve the "wrong" thing?
will they notice that the playroom is disorganized?
what if my kitchen table isn't big enough for everyone to sit comfortably?
are they looking at the baby's chair attached to the table caked with leftover breakfast and getting disgusted?
maybe all of those things will end up being worthwhile things to worry about. maybe the table won't be big enough. maybe i won't have the perfect snacks set out. maybe, maybe, maybe...
so, here's what i've decided. is it worth not taking the risk if that means not connecting with these folks? no. these women could turn out to be more than just acquaintances from co-op. they could evolve into personal friendships. we need to be connected to other people-not just via email, facebook and other social media. but, real face-to-face, flesh and blood connected. if they are judging me by the state of my (usually presentable, fairly clean) home, so be it. i'm sure i'll never hear of their disapproving attitudes. and if i do, well, that will tell me a lot about them.
in the end, it's going to be just fine. and if it isn't, then hopefully i will take something away from the situation and improve upon it for the next risk i take. because really, i want to be a person who takes some risk, who goes out on a limb hoping for the best and willing to learn for the future.